Rooted deep within Armani's soul is an irresistible call to embrace her musical heritage and roots, resonating with the collective pain of a nation torn apart by the Syrian war. However, the narrative extends beyond her struggles, when she payed her very first recent visit to her motherland Armenia where she had an awakening, a sense of belonging which she was taught since childhood. In Armani's narrative, there's a universal longing to smooth out rough edges, break free, rediscover the vibrant sense of being alive, embracing one’s identity and being.
An Armenian hailing from Aleppo, Syria, and now based in the Netherlands, Armani effortlessly weaves three worlds into one. She will be graduating from HKU Utrechts Conservatorium on June 9 in Geertekerk where she will present and represent 3 worlds under one roof. It will be a full circle moment, ending this chapter in the exact same way she started when she was very little in her beloved Armenian Evangelical Bethel Church, Aleppo, Alongside with her mother Shoghagat Apartian Selimian, composer/arranger. Large String Ensemble will accompany her that evening conducted by a fellow musician friend Guitarist Tyler McCullough.
Armani’s latest piece of work called 'Yasmine', which will have its debut on her graduation concert, is a musical piece that underlines unity, purity, nostalgia. It’s about remembering and reviving the image of Syria in its most beautiful vibrant colourful memories. The times when pain and suffering were not relevant. The warmest arms to be held in. The strongest shoulder to lean on. Spoken words from the heart, which expresses deep token of gratitude, respect and love for a land that became and is still home to many Armenians for years and years.
A concept inbred by Armani.
Music and poetry by Armani and her mother Shoghagat.
String Arrangement by Armani.