
Minors are modules that you can select on the basis of your own personal interests and needs. On this page you can see an overview of the minors offered by HKU.

Are you looking for more in-depth knowledge about a specific subject within your profession? Or have you always wanted to get a taste of a different (art) discipline? It’s what the minors are for. During your minor studies, you get a chance to further specialise or diversify your knowledge. Additionally, a minor always looks good on your CV.

Take a minor

A minor is usually taken in the third or fourth year of your studies. HKU offers 4 English minors, plus 11 Dutch minors that require Dutch language skills. Whether you study at HKU or not: you are always welcome to take one of our minors. See which situation below applies to you:

Are you a student at HKU?

When you study at HKU, you have two options.

  • You can take a minor at HKU to get more connected to the other HKU schools.
  • Or you can broaden your perspective outside HKU by taking your minor at another educational institution.

More information about the registry procedure is found on the student portal.

Do you study at another higher-educational institution?

Are you a student from another higher-educational institution who would like to take a minor at HKU? Fantastic! You can register at Kies op Maat (English). There you can also find lots of information about the registry procedure.