VVR and graduation

About the validity of your VVR, what to do when you graduate or if you need more time.

The residence permit for study is valid for the duration of your nominal study period - there is a three month leeway in case you need some extra time to graduate.

Graduation or the end of your study period

Once you have graduated or your enrolment has been terminated, HKU will inform the IND that your study period has ended. The IND will start a procedure to cancel your residence permit. You are expected to leave the country within 28 days after receiving the withdrawal letter of the IND.

Please note if you graduate and your residence card is only valid for three months or less after the date of un-enrolment your residence permit will not be withdrawn. In that case you are permitted to stay in the Netherlands until the expiration date on your residence card.

Handing in your residence card
Your residence document is the property of the Dutch government. You must, therefore, return your residence document before you leave the Netherlands. Please check the IND website how to return your VVR card.

Need more time to graduate?

If you need more time to graduate than the nominal study period, you will have to renew your residence permit. For your enrolment as a student you will need to have a valid residence card for the whole academic year. You can not be enrolled if your residence permit is only valid for three months. You will need to hand in the renewal application before 1 August. Information on the VVR renewal procedure can be found here.

Job-seeking year

After your graduation from HKU, you can apply for a residence permit for an orientation year for highly educated persons, commonly known as the job-seeking year. Please click here to read all about it.