Design principles for (EU) project coordinatorsThe course

Design principles for (EU) project coordinators

About the course

Programma leren
The world of multidisciplinary international project work is a labyrinth of complexity in terms of organisation and management. Harnessing the potential of physical meetings within a consortium is crucial for fostering internal cohesion and enhancing collaboration.

In our comprehensive two-day intensive course, we extend a warm invitation to participants and coordinators engaged in multi-partner (EU) projects. Join us as we explore the application of design principles and tools, reimagining conventional physical work meetings, and infusing them with elements of excitement, productivity, and efficiency.

We encourage participants to bring along an actual challenge from their own professional experiences, serving as a tangible design problem throughout this course, specifically related to physical project meetings.

What Will You Gain?

A Glimpse of Design's Power: Experience the profound influence of adopting a design mindset and utilising associated tools to revolutionize project meetings.

Insights into Design Tools: Acquire valuable insights into the practical application of various design tools, which you can carry with you into your future endeavours.

Diverse Networking: Forge connections with professionals from diverse contexts, enrich your network and broaden your horizons.

Organising vs. Designing: Explore the distinction between merely organising meetings and actively designing them, fostering a newfound appreciation for the difference.

Meet Our Expert

Willem-Jan Renger (born 1967) is an esteemed expert and designer in Creative Transformation & Playful Learning at HKU University of the Arts Utrecht, with over 25 years of experience in EU Horizon projects. He is the founder of Ludo Didactics, pioneering a methodology for crafting meaningful and occasionally playful learning experiences with tangible impact. His expertise seamlessly translates into the realm of project management and collaborative initiatives.

This intensive course is a component of the Creative Leadership Academy, developed within the School of Creative Transformation at HKU. Creative Transformation's primary objective is to equip professionals with the skills to become agents of change, addressing society's intricate challenges through innovative approaches rooted in design and artistic intelligence.

Program Highlights

Shifting Perspectives: Organizing vs. Designing Meetings. Day one kicks off with an exploration of the organizational vs. design aspects of meetings, delving into the fundamental differences in approach and perspective. In the afternoon, we delve into selected real-world examples stress-tested within H2020 projects, drawing inspiration from their successes and innovations. You'll have the opportunity to apply these insights to your unique design challenges.

Hands-on into the deep

On the second day, you'll embark on a thrilling design sprint—a condensed, intensive design process—taking your ideas from inception to viable solutions. Our methods and tools will be your guiding compass as you reimagine the archetype of a physical project meeting. In the afternoon, you'll present your proposal and receive constructive feedback to further refine your design approach.


Finally, we'll wrap up by discussing prospects for expanding your newfound skillset in the future. Join us on this transformative journey to unlock the potential of your project meetings through the lens of design. Explore, innovate, and elevate your approach to collaboration.

Practical details

Dates: Date(s) yet to be determinded. Program running from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM.
Location: HKU University of the Arts Utrecht.
Cost: € 800, including VAT.
Maximum Participants: 15 individuals.

More information: contact Willem-Jan Renger at